Terms and Conditions Agreement

1. Introduction

Please Read Carefully Before Accessing Content:

Before accessing any of the content provided by our site, you are required to read these terms and conditions thoroughly. Agreeing to these terms is mandatory for using our services and accessing our content.

Importance of This Agreement:This document is crucial as it outlines your legal rights, responsibilities, and the limitations of those rights. Understanding this agreement will ensure that you are aware of the legal framework within which you are operating while using our services.

2. Parties to the Agreement

Who is Involved:- Business Credit Advisor ("Advisor" or "Licensor"): The service provider offering business credit consulting services.- Business Credit Consulting Client ("Client" or "Licensee"): The individual or entity receiving the consulting services and agreeing to these terms.Purpose:The Client wishes to utilize the Advisor's expertise to enhance their business credit capabilities. This agreement defines the terms under which the Advisor will provide consulting services tailored to the Client’s business needs.

3. Acknowledgment of Agreement

Acceptance: By signing this document or using our services, you:- Agree to abide by all terms outlined in this agreement.- Confirm that you are of legal age and have the capacity to enter into a binding contract.- Affirm that if you are signing on behalf of a business or other entity, you have the authority to bind that entity to these terms.Conditions of Use:If you disagree with any part of these terms, you should discontinue the use of our services immediately. Access to our software and services is conditioned upon your acceptance of this agreement.

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Software Licensing:Use of any software provided by us is subject to your lawful acquisition of said software. This agreement does not confer any license to use the software unlawfully or without a legitimate, authorized copy.

4. Services and Limitations

Engagement Terms:- The Advisor is engaged by the Client to provide specific advisory services as agreed upon. This engagement covers only one business per license, and separate licenses must be obtained for additional businesses. Services Provided:- The Advisor commits to providing the Client with expert advice and strategies to help establish and improve the Client's business credit. This includes a detailed review of corporate compliance, credit building strategies, and other financial advice over a twelve-month period.Client Responsibilities:- The Client is expected to fully cooperate with the Advisor by providing all necessary information promptly, engaging in required tasks, and making timely payments on all bills and fees. Failure to meet these responsibilities can result in the termination of services.

5. Legal and Arbitration

Dispute Resolution:- Should a dispute arise, the parties will first seek resolution through mediation. If unresolved, arbitration may be pursued under specified rules, limiting the scope of dispute resolution to avoid prolonged litigation.Venue and Law:- Venue for Litigation: Litigation must be initiated in Orange County, FL, which both parties agree is the exclusive legal venue for any disputes.- Governing Law: The laws of the State of Florida will govern this agreement and any disputes that may arise from it.

6. Confidentiality and Liability

Non-Disclosure:- The Client agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information received during the consultation. Unauthorized sharing of this information is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.Limitations of Liability:- The Advisor is not liable for the actions of other companies that negatively impact the Client's business credit. The Advisor will endeavor to provide the best possible advice but cannot guarantee specific outcomes in credit score improvements or financial gains.

7. General Provisions

Entire Agreement:- This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, overriding any previous agreements or understandings related to the subject matter here.Amendments and Waivers:- Any changes to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. No waiver of any breach will affect the overall terms of the agreement.Notifications of Changes:- The Advisor reserves the right to modify these terms and will provide notice on the site. Your continued use of our services after such modifications will constitute your agreement to the new terms.

8. Final Acknowledgment

Conclusion:- By using the Advisor’s services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. It is essential to keep your account information up to date, as failure to do so may be considered a breach of this agreement.

PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY, AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND REMEDIES.THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO, BY AND BETWEEN BUSINESS CREDIT ADVISOR (“ADVISOR” OR “LICENSOR”) AND BUSINESS CREDIT CONSULTING CLIENT (“CLIENT” OR “LICENSEE”) UPON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS:WHEREAS, CLIENT DESIRES TO OBTAIN ADVISOR’S CONSULTING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH A BUSINESS THE CLIENT HAS AN INTEREST IN. WHEREAS, ADVISOR AND CLIENT HAVE AGREED TO ENTER INTO THIS BUSINESS CREDIT CONSULTING SERVICE AGREEMENT. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH BELOW AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT OF WHICH AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS:LICENSOR PROVIDES THE SOFTWARE SOLELY ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT AND ON THE CONDITION THAT LICENSEE ACCEPTS AND COMPLIES WITH THEM. BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT YOU (A) ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE THAT LICENSEE IS LEGALLY BOUND BY ITS TERMS; AND (B) REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT: (I) YOU ARE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER/OF LEGAL AGE TO ENTER INTO A BINDING AGREEMENT; AND (II) IF LICENSEE IS A CORPORATION, GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION, OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, POWER, AND AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF LICENSEE AND BIND LICENSEE TO ITS TERMS. IF LICENSEE DOES NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, LICENSOR WILL NOT AND DOES NOT LICENSE THE SOFTWARE TO LICENSEE AND YOU MUST NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THIS AGREEMENT OR YOUR OR LICENSEE'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, NO LICENSE IS GRANTED (WHETHER EXPRESSLY, BY IMPLICATION, OR OTHERWISE) UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, AND THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ANY RIGHT, CONCERNING ANY SOFTWARE THAT LICENSEE DID NOT ACQUIRE LAWFULLY OR THAT IS NOT A LEGITIMATE, AUTHORIZED COPY OF LICENSOR'S SOFTWARE. I. ADVISORY & CONSULTING SERVICES AND LIMITATIONS1. ENGAGEMENT. ADDITIONAL LICENSES ARE NECESSARY FOR USE WITH ADDITIONAL BUSINESSES.2. SERVICES PROVIDED. ADVISOR AGREES TO CONSULT CLIENT AND TO PROVIDE CLIENT WITH ADVICE AND STRATEGIES TO ASSIST CLIENT (“ADVISORY SERVICES”) IN ATTEMPTING TO ESTABLISH BUSINESS CREDIT FOR A BUSINESS IN WHICH THE CLIENT HAS AN INTEREST (THE “CLIENT’S BUSINESS”) FOR A PERIOD OF 12 CALENDAR MONTHS. IN CONDUCTING ADVISORY SERVICES WITH CLIENT, ADVISOR MAY ADVISE CLIENT ON HOW TO COMPLETE ANY ONE OR MORE OF SEVERAL TASKS (“CLIENT TASKS”). CLIENT UNDERSTANDS THAT THE ADVISORY SERVICES PROVIDED DO NOT INCLUDE THE COMPLETION OF THESE TASKS BY ADVISOR AS THEY REQUIRE ACCESS TO INFORMATION POSSESSED SOLELY BY THE CLIENT AND THAT CLIENT TASKS SHALL BE ANY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING:(i) Performing a corporate compliance and documentation review of Client and Client’s Business. The scope and purpose of the corporate compliance and documentation review is to help prepare the Client to apply for business credit and attempt to maximize the possibility of success in obtaining business credit and for no other legal or business purpose;(ii) Establishing a Dunn & Bradstreet file and establish a Dunn & Bradstreet rating;(iii) Building a Dunn & Bradstreet PAYDEX score;(iv) Establishing a business credit file with Experian’s corporate department;(v) Obtaining an Experian Intelliscore number;(vi) Creating a business credit file with Equifax’s business department;(vii) Providing Client with a non-comprehensive list of trade accounts that may or may not report to business credit bureaus, including Dunn & Bradstreet, Experian’s corporate department and Equifax’s business department;(viii) Creating a Business Credit Asset that can be used for business financing Opportunities;(ix) Obtaining access to a dedicated finance officer that is provided by Advisor for a five (5) year period beginning as of the date of this Agreement between Advisor and Client; or(x) Providing access to available funding programs for which Client may qualify.3. AUTHORITY AND CO-OPERATION. CLIENT AUTHORIZES, INSTRUCTS AND EMPOWERS ADVISOR TO TAKE ALL STEPS IN SAID MATTER DEEMED BY ADVISOR TO BE PRUDENT OR NECESSARY IN PERFORMING THE ADVISORY SERVICES CONTEMPLATED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND DESIGNED TO HELP THE CLIENT TO BEST ACHIEVE THE CLIENT’S BUSINESS CREDIT GOALS AND TO REASONABLY AND TIMELY COOPERATE IN COMPLETING CLIENT TASKS NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR AND TO MAXIMIZE THE POTENTIAL FOR OBTAINING BUSINESS CREDIT.4. ELECTIVE COSTS. CLIENT WILL BE PROVIDED ACCESS TO MANY SERVICES AND FINANCIAL PRODUCTS (BUT THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE SUCH SERVICES AND/OR PRODUCTS) AND CLIENT MAY ELECT TO INCUR COSTS BEYOND THEIR INITIAL ENROLLMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO:(i) Dunn & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax credit monitoring if Client chooses to enroll for this service (Client is provided 12 months of Experian Smart Business data at no cost);(ii) Trade account set up costs; applicable with some trade vendors;(iii) Trade account vendor product purchase costs; when Client purchases products through vendors;(iv) Various state filing costs; corporation costs vary state-to-state;(v) Various business license costs; vary based on state;(vi) Business phone set up or other phone-related costs;(vii) Personal and/or business credit report costs;(viii) Bank fees and costs associated with financing, such as, but not limited to closing costs, application fees, broker fees, and interest;(ix) Other fees and/or costs that are customary to the general practice of business;(x)Website setup, hosting, and online marketing provided by some vendors.II. PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES1. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES. CLIENT AGREES TO ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBILITIES:(i) To cooperate thoroughly with Advisor in the handling of all matters contemplated under this Agreement and to do all that is necessary to provide all information Advisor requests from Client; including but not limited to the completion of any client tasks as set forth above and which are determined to be necessary in the course of the consulting;(ii) To make timely payments on all of Client’s business and personal bills/accounts including but not limited to lines of credit, credit cards, revolving accounts and loans.(iii) To make any and all payments required hereunder, in related agreements, and for any costs incurred for elective costs selected by Client. In the event Client fails to fulfill these Client responsibilities or breaches this Agreement in any way, Client understands it will be more challenging for them to be approved for business funding and or credit and Advisor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement for failure to cooperate when Advisor has notified the Client of the breach of Client’s duties and responsibilities and the Client has failed to cure the breach within 10 days or such other time period as the Advisor and Client may agree to in writing.2. ADVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES. ADVISOR AGREES THAT IT WILL HANDLE CLIENT’S BUSINESS HEREUNDER IN A STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL MANNER, UTILIZING ITS BEST EFFORTS AND SKILL ON BEHALF OF CLIENT; ADVISOR HAS NOT MADE AND IS NOT PERMITTED TO MAKE ANY GUARANTEE THAT CLIENT WILL OBTAIN A PARTICULAR BUSINESS CREDIT SCORE OR GUARANTEE REGARDING A SPECIFIC CASH DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CREDIT A CLIENT WILL OBTAIN. ALL EXPRESSIONS MADE BY ADVISOR RELATIVE TO THE MATTERS DISCUSSED IN THIS PARAGRAPH PRIOR TO OR FOLLOWING THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT BY THE CLIENT AND ADVISOR ARE THE ADVISOR’S SINCERE OPINION ONLY. HOWEVER, IF THE CLIENT HAS NOT BEEN EXTENDED AT LEAST $50,000 IN TOTAL CREDIT (ANY COMBINATION OF VENDOR CREDIT, TRADE CREDIT, EQUIPMENT LEASE, VEHICLE LEASE, LOANS, LINES OF CREDIT, CREDIT CARDS, REAL ESTATE PRE-APPROVALS, ETC.), CLIENT MAY ELECT AT ANY TIME TO RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL TWELVE (12) MONTHS OF ADVISING FROM THE ADVISOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST EXCEPT FOR ELECTIVE COSTS AS SET FORTH ABOVE. ADVISOR WILL ALSO TREAT ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADVISOR WITH CARE AND WILL NOT RELEASE ANY SUCH INFORMATION TO other companies (OTHER THAN PARTIES PROVIDING PRODUCTS OR SERVICES UNDER THE ELECTIVE EXPENSE PROVISIONS ABOVE, OR DIRECTLY RELATED TO ESTABLISHING A CREDIT SCORE, OR CREDIT RELATIONSHIPS, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF CLIENT).III. VENUE, CHOICE OF LAW AND ARBITRATION DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY OUR CURRENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY. THIS POLICY IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. YOU AGREE THAT ADVISOR MAY FROM TIME TO TIME MODIFY ITS DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY. ADVISOR WILL POST ANY CHANGES TO ITS DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS BEFORE THEY BECOME EFFECTIVE. YOU AGREE THAT BY MAINTAINING YOUR DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATIONS WITH ADVISOR AFTER THE UPDATED POLICY BECOMES EFFECTIVE THAT YOU AGREE TO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY AS AMENDED. YOU AGREE TO REVIEW ADVISOR’S WEBSITE PERIODICALLY TO DETERMINE IF CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY. IF YOU CANCEL OR TERMINATE YOUR SERVICES WITH ADVISOR AS A RESULT OF THE MODIFIED DISPUTE RESOLUTION POLICY, NO FEES WILL BE REFUNDED TO YOU.1. Venue. The venue for any litigation regarding this agreement shall be in Orange County, FL 2. Choice of Law. This Agreement, including any arbitration proceedings that may take place between the parties to this Agreement, shall be construed consistent with the laws of the State of Florida.3. Arbitration. If there is a dispute of any type between Client and Advisor, (except for disputes regarding trade secrets and copyrights as set forth below) the parties hereby agree to submit such a dispute to a mediator skilled and experienced in the resolution of contractual business disputes and to hold a mediation of the dispute within 30 days of the selection of the mediator. In the event the mediation fails to resolve the dispute within 60 days from the date the parties notify one another of the dispute, the parties may elect to extend the deadline for resolution by mediation, or to have it resolved by binding arbitration administered by the National Arbitration Forum, or the American Arbitration Association (the Forum or Association also being chosen by the party who elects to arbitrate the dispute between the parties), under their rules for consumer arbitrations. An election by either party for such relief as stated in the preceding sentence shall preclude the other party from filing any other type of legal action until such time as the relief sought by the electing party has been exhausted or terminated. All disputes in arbitration will be handled just between the named parties, and not on any representative or class basis. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS MEANS THAT YOU MAY NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A COURT OR JURY. The terms of this Section shall survive any termination, cancellation, or expiration of this Agreement.IV. NON-DISCLOSURE THE MATERIALS PROVIDED BY ADVISOR TO CLIENT ARE PROPRIETARY, TRADE SECRETS AND MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW:1. Advisor may recommend other  providers; however, such recommendation is not a guarantee of service or product, and the Client and such 3rd party vendor are responsible for the outcome;2. Advisor is not responsible and cannot control the reporting and updating of the Clients business credit bureau file;4. Advisor shall make every effort to protect any confidential information provided during the coaching program. The Client agrees that Advisor shall not liable for any misuse of such confidential material whatsoever.VII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to the transaction reflected herein and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings of the parties in connection therewith.2. Headings. The Article headings of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and do not form a part of this Agreement and do not in any way limit, modify, interpret or construe the provisions of this Agreement.3. Assignment. Client may not assign any rights under this Agreement without obtaining the prior express written consent of the Advisor.4. Binding Effect. This Agreement and any modification, amendment or waiver shall be binding upon each of the parties hereto and their representatives, heirs, successors and permitted assigns.5. No Waiver of Remedies. No failure on the part of any party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof. No waiver of any breach by any party of the terms and conditions hereof shall operate as a waiver of any other and further breach of any of the terms and conditions hereof. The remedies provided by law.6. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and which together shall constitute one Agreement.7. Construction. This Agreement has been reviewed by counsel to all parties hereto and shall be deemed prepared by both. Any ambiguities shall not be deemed to construe against either party hereto.8. Terminology. All personal pronouns used in the Agreement, whether used in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender, shall include all other genders, the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa, as the context may require.VII. OVERVIEW THIS AGREEMENT SETS FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR USE OF ADVISOR’S SOFTWARE AND SERVICES.YOUR ELECTRONIC ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT SIGNIFIES THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT, ALONG WITH (I) ADVISOR’S UNIVERSAL TERMS OF SERVICE AGREEMENT, AND (II) ANY PLAN LIMITS, PRODUCT DISCLAIMERS OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS PRESENTED TO YOU IN THE CONTRACTS, TERMS OF USE, OR IN THE RELATED DISCLAIMERS CONTAINED HEREIN OR ON ADVISOR’S WEB SITES (THIS “SITE”), BOTH (I) AND (II) OF WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. THE TERMS “WE”, “US” OR “OUR” SHALL REFER TO ADVISER. THE TERMS “YOU”, “YOUR”, “USER” OR “CUSTOMER” SHALL REFER TO ANY INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY WHO ACCEPTS THIS AGREEMENT. THE ADVISOR IN  ITS SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, MAY CHANGE OR MODIFY THIS AGREEMENT, AND ANY POLICIES OR AGREEMENTS WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN, AT ANY TIME, AND SUCH CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON POSTING TO THIS SITE, AND (II) YOUR USE OF THIS SITE OR THE SERVICES FOUND AT THIS SITE AFTER SUCH CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE (AS INDICATED BY THE “LAST REVISED” DATE AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE) SHALL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AS LAST REVISED. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT AS LAST REVISED, DO NOT USE (OR CONTINUE TO USE) THIS SITE OR THE SERVICES FOUND AT THIS SITE. IN ADDITION, ADVISOR MAY OCCASIONALLY NOTIFY YOU OF CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS AGREEMENT BY EMAIL. IT IS THEREFORE VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION, INCLUDING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, CURRENT. ADVISOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FAILURE TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL NOTIFICATION IF SUCH FAILURE RESULTS FROM AN INACCURATE OR OUT-OF-DATE EMAIL ADDRESS.VIII. UP TO DATE INFORMATION; USE OF INFORMATION AND EXPIRATION YOU AGREE TO NOTIFY ADVISOR WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS WHEN ANY OF THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION AND/OR REGISTRATION PROCESS CHANGES. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THIS INFORMATION IN A CURRENT AND ACCURATE STATUS. FAILURE BY YOU, FOR WHATEVER REASON, TO PROVIDE ADVISOR WITH ACCURATE AND RELIABLE INFORMATION ON AN INITIAL AND CONTINUAL BASIS, SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A MATERIAL BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT. FAILURE BY YOU, FOR WHATEVER REASON, TO RESPOND WITHIN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS TO ANY INQUIRIES MADE BY ADVISOR TO DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY YOU, SHALL ALSO BE CONSIDERED TO BE A MATERIAL BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. Information sharing to subcontractors in support services, such as customer service is permitted. All other use case categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.